23 September 2010

On Dog Weddings and Marriage Equality

Honestly, I hadn't planned to post today as I am sick in bed with an awful phlegmmy throat thing. But when this headline about two greyhounds getting married caught my eye, I just had to say something about it.

Any comments in protest over this story are generally from the "it's okay to be a dog lover, but this is going too far" camp. I for one am never the first to say what is going too far when it comes to a passion - be it dogs or bedazzling denim jackets. My issue is that a wedding between two dogs is being permitted while there are human beings that still aren't being recognized as legitimate couples.

Any of you LGBTQ kids out there - how do you feel about dogs getting hitched while you're having to fight for your rights to have the same privilege?

Does anyone else find this ridiculous?

Holy Muttrimony.
What's more, this isn't even the first dog wedding ever - there's a dog wedding web series called Puppy Weddings on WEtv's website, wherein dogs are humiliated as their owners dress them in scraps of tulle and march them down the aisle for their owners' amusement.

Yes. This definitely makes sense. People of the same sex have no business getting married, because it's not God's design for family. Two dogs, on the other hand, totally fits in with the concept of the traditional family unit.

If the cornerstone for the conservative camp is that marriage and family is based in the ability to physically procreate, then what about dogs who are snipped? If a spayed springer spaniel and a neutered newfoundland want to tie the knot, well, I guess they're doing it purely for fun just like the gays are. We can't have that, can we?

Or can we?

10 September 2010

Wedding Movie Review: The Wedding Planner and American Wedding

Here comes the suck. And two of them, too. And I ranted all about it via video here.

Sure, they're relatively old compared to some of the more recent wedding fodder to be released on the big screen over the last few years. Don't worry. I'll get to them, too.

But all this ranting and writing means nothing without a comment. Show me some love, people! xoxo

- Chan

09 September 2010

The Hidden Cost of Weddings

This week I decided to define and explain what the WIC means to me in this video here. Everyone knows all too well the obscene average costs quoted by The Wedding Report, but the question remains, how does the WIC get away with charging so much for its services and products?

There have been countless posts on wedding blogs about the wedding upcharge for various event services and products, and for good reason. The insane cost of an average wedding is high not only because we choose to include all those questionably mandatory elements (photographer, flowers, etc.). The cost of the products and services themselves are generally jacked up when associated with a wedding – white pumps become bridal shoes, a vase of flowers becomes a wedding centerpiece, etc. The reasons for the upcharge are supposedly to account for higher quality and attention to detail, the extra work required to adhere to a bride’s vision, and to offer the bride an implied all-day bitch pass.

The elevated costs – while normal by WIC standards – are meant to justify a suggested craftsmanship that the average wedding requires. Meanwhile, plenty of brides have taken to telling little white lies for their big white events in order to get a fairer price. While some vendors feel slighted, I will be the first to wave her big white pom poms in support of these fibs.


Because they are paying for the level of service they find appropriate for their weddings.

When a hairdresser says, “Oh, well if I’d known this updo was for a wedding, I would’ve done it differently”, I demand to know in what ways they would’ve done it differently. By working harder at it? By paying closer attention to detail? By adding more bells and whistles that they think a bride should have?

The fact that the incognito bride asks for an updo doesn’t change the fact that she wants an updo. No doubt she’s given some direction as to what she wants done, so the word “wedding” shouldn’t change the shape or quality of the updo – that is, unless we’re meant to understand that an ordinary party guest doesn’t deserve the same respect a bride would? And assuming there is some huge difference between a party updo and a wedding updo, the incognito bride has chosen to have a party updo, for all its flaws and plainness. Is it really the responsibility of the hairdresser to make sure the bride adheres to a standard of bridal hair she didn’t ask for?!

True, honesty is generally the best policy, and I am by no means suggesting going to the lengths Jessica Vega did to score her freebies (wherein she didn't limit her scamming to the WIC, but relatives and strangers as well). But in this instance, I say “an eye for an eye”. If the WIC chooses to be dishonest when it comes to their practices, why should brides feel obligated to divulge any more details than they need to get the products and services they want? This isn’t like stealing from a food bank – this is robbing the rich to give to the less rich. We’re talking about a billion-dollar-a-year industry whose decline since the recession has been but mere pocket change and the difference between an affordable celebration and a lifetime of debt for couples trying to start their own lives together. And for my money, I’d rather pay for ordinary party goods with no strings attached than a host of services with the word “wedding” emblazoned on them.

01 September 2010

Wedding Movie Review #1: Our Family Wedding

For the first of many wedding movie reviews, go check out my video on the subject here.

This movie doesn’t deserve another word from me. I need to purge via something preferably non-wedding related... not that Our Family Wedding was really wedding-related… oh damn you, Our Family Wedding - you got me again!